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Monday, May 9, 2011

Thanks Mom..

Take your plate into the kitchen.
Don't hit your brother.
Did you brush your teeth?
Go to bed. Time to sleep.
Wear a sweater.
Keep your shoes inside the shoe-rack.
Two minutes more and you are not getting the breakfast.
Clean up your room.
Eat that. It's good for your health.
Don't sit so close to the TV, it's bad for your eyes.
Do this, do that!

A Mother spends half of her life looking after her children. Yes it is truly said, behind every success, there is a Mother. We often fail to notice and value the little things that she does for us. I am thankful to you mom for wherever I am today. It is because of your love and support that I am able to face this ruthless world. Also, I am sorry for the times I was rude to you, the times when i argued with you thinking that you don't understand. Such a fool I was to always laugh at your advice.
I love you. Happy Mother's Day!