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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A funny language it is!

When in school, I often had difficulties in this particular subject called English.
The hundreds of principles and the infinite set of rules seemed to me like a dense forest where one would never want to go. I admired the minds of the scholars who framed these rules. I considered the subject to be as confusing as maths and science.

As and when i grew up, i wondered why BUT is pronounced as butt, and PUT is pronounced as pu-ut, when both the words spell the same!
Why DOOR is pronounced as dor, when POOR is pronounced as po-ur!
What exactly is the use of the so called 'silent letters' in a word!
And why does a word have two different meanings!

Although I have not gotten the reasoning behind this as yet, my view about the subject has changed. It is not confusing,it is rather funny.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Being human...

It happened a few days ago. There was a dark and long, pretty small though, snake, in the garden of the house. As soon as the watchman saw the snake, he took a  lathi and he beat the snake to death. Yes, the snake got killed, but WHY?
A mere mistake of the snake was, he entered the house which was not of its own. Maybe it would have caused some harm to the members of the house, but maybe, it entered just in search of some food.

That day I learnt a very basic principle of human nature. No man can see someone else entering his place, and take advantage of it, especially when that 'alien' is inferior in power to him. We often kill these little dangerous species that enter our place, we often take advantage of the power that we have got. Some persons, who do not possess power, try to achieve it, so that they can take advantage of it. This is human nature.

But then, WHY do we blame Mr. Thackeray for the 'Marathi Manoos' movement that has been started in Maharashtra? Ain't we equally responsible for it? Why do we still take advantage of the foreign tourists or the students who come to our country to visit places or to study?
Ain't we responsible for the religion-ism and racism that have been prevailing in our country since a few centuries? Yes, we are.
Although we have come off ages, there still are certain things that need to be sorted out. We need to be a human.

P.S. - This is not in defense of Mr. Thackeray. He has forgotten that Maharashtra does not solely belong to him. It is a home to every Indian.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Deepest Fear...

My favorite lines from my favorite movie....thought I would share it with you. It means a lot to me...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light and not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel  insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously  give other people permission  to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Being Average...

  • Average is a child who makes a fake signature in his report card at school, so that he can escape the wrath of his parents.
  • Average is an author whose articles are full of plagiarism.
  • Average is a professional who believes that Wikipedia and Google are the biggest inventions of the 21st century.
  • Average is a judge who uses to refer to past judgments.
  • Average is a doctor who issues fake medical certificates for just Rs.100.
  • Average is a parent who goes to drop his children to school everyday.
  • Average is a son who calls his father at the end of every month asking him to send extra money.
  • Average is the professor who brings a print-out of the topic which he is going to teach in class.
  • Average is a guitarist who uses the same strumming pattern in almost every song he plays, and still manages to impress people.
  • Average is an old man who does not leave anything in his will for his children to fight for.

A person can not avoid being average. We are surrounded by people who are average. The advantage of being average, you see, is people genuinely like you. You are able to do things with ease, without really worrying about petty stuffs.

However, this does not mean that we must always be regular. It robs of the chances to become extraordinary.  Some men are born regular, some achieve regularity, and some men have regularity thrust upon them. In the republic of mediocrity, genius is dangerous. We can not avoid being average but we can always avoid being common.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A beginning..

I don't know what brings me to write a blog. I neither have an inspiration nor a motivation. I am not a good writer either. But, as a person of average abilities, I have way too many thoughts, too many ideas, emotions. I am sure that people who know me won't believe what i have written, because of the crazy idiot that i have within me. My friends often wonder how am i so happy, so free, so full of life. I am not..its just that i don't let the serious part of my life come out. I have never written before and while i am writing this post, there is an awkward feeling running through my mind. This is not me..i never do such things, writing a blog is something which people possessing high intellectual ability do..but then the idiot part within me is saying 'do it, who cares'. yea that is ME. A careless, stupid, passionate footballer that i am, i have decided to write. Write about the things i care, i care not, about my emotions, the instances of my life, my feelings, my opinion. Some of you might not agree to it, or might find it boring, but then again 'who cares'...This is a beginning of a crazy ride, a ride called life...Adios!