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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A funny language it is!

When in school, I often had difficulties in this particular subject called English.
The hundreds of principles and the infinite set of rules seemed to me like a dense forest where one would never want to go. I admired the minds of the scholars who framed these rules. I considered the subject to be as confusing as maths and science.

As and when i grew up, i wondered why BUT is pronounced as butt, and PUT is pronounced as pu-ut, when both the words spell the same!
Why DOOR is pronounced as dor, when POOR is pronounced as po-ur!
What exactly is the use of the so called 'silent letters' in a word!
And why does a word have two different meanings!

Although I have not gotten the reasoning behind this as yet, my view about the subject has changed. It is not confusing,it is rather funny.


  1. "I can talk English, I can walk English, and I can laugh English because English is a very phunny language.
    Bhairo becomes Byron because their minds are very narrow."

  2. Nice post, Rishabh. It is especially difficult when I need to teach my 5 year old that 'gem' has g instead of j. 'Sell' and 'cell' have the same pronunciation and lots more tricky stuff.

    You can check out my blog too and vote for my post at

  3. Lol, I had some similar thoughts about Punjabi. Especially 'mukta' because how do I figure out something that isn't even there. Argh! Learning languages is fun isn't it hahaha.
